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Daniel Conley

Daniel Conley


Daniel Conley

Carbon cycling within an East African lake revealed by the carbon isotope composition of diatom silica: a 25-ka record from Lake Challa, Mt. Kilimanjaro


  • Philip A. Barker
  • Elizabeth R. Hurrell
  • Melanie J. Leng
  • Birgit Plessen
  • Christian Wolff
  • Daniel Conley
  • Eddy Keppens
  • Isla Milne
  • Brian F. Cumming
  • Kathleen R. Laird
  • Chris P. Kendrick
  • Peter M. Wynn
  • Dirk Verschuren

Summary, in English

The carbon cycle of a lake is a balance between supply from the atmosphere and catchment, and the net demand exerted by primary producers, minus losses back to the atmosphere and to sediment storage. Evaluating the sum of these processes and reconstructing them from sediment records of lake history requires a range of methods and a multi-proxy approach. One promising technique is to explore the carbon-isotope composition (delta C-13(diatom)) of organic matter incorporated within the silica frustules of diatom algae. Here we present a 25,000-year record of delta C-13(diatom) from the sediments of crater Lake Challa on the eastern flank of Mt. Kilimanjaro, and along with other proxy data we make inferences about the three major phases in the history of the lake's carbon cycle. From 25 ka to 15.8 ka years BP, delta C-13(diatom) is positively correlated with the delta C-13 of bulk sediment organic matter (delta C-13(bulk)), indicating that high diatom productivity, as recorded by high % biogenic silica at this time, was preferentially removing C-12 and enriching the delta C-13 of lake-water dissolved inorganic carbon. From 15.8 to 5.5 ka the correlation between delta C-13(diatom) and delta C-13(bulk) breaks down, suggesting carbon supply to the lake satisfied or exceeded the demand from productivity. From 5.5 ka BP the positive correlation resumes, indicating an increase in the internal demand for carbon relative to external supply. Diatom frustule-bound carbon isotopes offer an original tool in examining long-term fluctuations in a lake's carbon budget and how the balance between supply and demand has changed through time. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Kvartärgeologi
  • BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate








Quaternary Science Reviews




Artikel i tidskrift




  • Geology


  • Diatom frustule carbon
  • Carbon isotopes
  • Lake carbon cycle
  • Lake Challa
  • East Africa
  • Palaeoclimate




  • ISSN: 0277-3791